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london, big ben, night
When you just know
For a long time now I have been weighing the decision to move from London, where I currently live, back to America. The last few months I went through phases of feeling ready to move, especially when returning...
Prioritizing your own needs isn't selfish
For years my mind has hosted debates on the topic of selflessness. The clear winner has always been debater “a”, arguing a selfless person should always consider others happiness and well-being above their...
Have you ever brushed your teeth so fast it’s as if your wedding ceremony started 5 minutes ago, but in reality you have nowhere to be? Some mornings I catch myself rushing to have my teeth brushed and...
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Life timelines
It is so common to compare ourselves to family, friends or people on social media our age who are living completely different lives and think we are falling behind. If someone else has a high paying job...
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